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River: Lhomme
Town: Bure
Length of river managed by angling society: 3 km
Mean width: 5 m
Mean depth: 1m
Fish species: Trout (up to 50 cm), grayling and chub
River type: Spate river flowing mostly in woods
Nature of river bed: Gravel and sediments
Permit: 1600 BF/year, 250 BF/day (1/5)
River keeper: Emile Jacquemain, La Ruelle 6, 6927 Bure
084/36.60.18 after 18h)
Wading authorised: Yes; No-Kill: Yes
Typical hatches: Ephemerids and caddisflies.

One of the best places of Belgium. The No-Kill stretch which has been maintained at the same place for more than ten years give is probably one of the best reasons for.

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River: Lhomme, Grande and Petite Lesse
Town: Rochefort - Eprave
Length of river managed by angling society: 8 km (lhomme), 1.5 km (Petite Lesse) and 3 km (Grande Lesse)
Mean width: 10 m (Lhomme), 5 m (Petite Lesse) and 20 m (Grande Lesse)
Mean depth: 1 m
Fish species: Trout, grayling and chub
River type: Plain river
Nature of river bed: Gravel and sediments
Licence: 1700 Fb/an, 800 Fb/an for the -18 years.
Daily licence ' discovery '
- on invitation and accompanied by a member of the society
- coupled to a night in one of the hotels of the area taking part in the operation (Rens. tourist booklet ' 97 of Rochefort or with the Tourist office Tel.. 084/21.25.37.)
River keeper: Fishing-tackle shop in Rochefort
Jacky house in Rochefort
Poos house in Rochefort
Wading authorised: Yes; No-Kill: Yes
Typical hatches: Many species of ephemerids and caddisflies