Lake Vyrnwy Hotel

(Photo Fisherman's Paradise)


The battlements of the old water tower that dominate the distant hills give Lake Vyrnwy its distintive charm. The lake wich took two years to fill, is one of Great-Britain's historic reservoirs,supplying Liverpool with water since1891. At the same time, the hotel was built and the first trout introduced.

Fishing is done from a boat, with or without an electric outboard motor. "Fly only, traditional wet flies recommended." There are few trophy-fish here, but the trout are wild and offering a good fight. The fishing room, logbook and the splendid display of naturalized fish make the Lake Vyrnwy Hotel the quintessential English fishing hotel.

The (English) cooking is refined and the views gorgeous.

(Photo Fisherman's Paradise)

Rates: £11.5 per day of fishing. £18 for a boat and motor.
Hotel: expensive.

Lake Vyrnwy Hotel: Llanwddyn
Mid Wales SY 10 OLY - UK
Tel: +44/1691/870 692.
Fax: +44/1691/870 6259.

(Photo Fisherman's Paradise)